Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's More Than Just A Thought

I seem to think about you as constantly as the clock is ticking.
It's raining.
Sorry, I meant you.

Sometimes I think about the past, but that's also you. The past is your cologne and hazel eyes and holding me tight when I needed you. It could be crazy that you're the one I want to be with every day, but I see that smile and I see that scowl and all I really want is to be the reason behind them. You're the reason behind mine anyway.

I've been thinking a lot actually, and it all has to do with you. Well maybe I spend a little time thinking about rose petals and cotton candy ice cream with raspberry mix-ins, sticky sweetness with a bitter aroma and it's all you. Yes, you are the addition of too much sugar to my cup of coffee, but in the way that I can't stop. I just keep pouring even after I know there is enough because I am addicted to the taste.

 I think about forever and I think about always and how the two coincide because when I'm thinking about you they seem real. As real as the rain that was falling down while we walked around the block with a small black umbrella you had kept in the car, just in case. As real as the wax that stained the blanket we laid on, listening to songs I didn't know yet.

I could try to distract myself from thinking about you, I could think about the dance I went to with him, the way he treated me and how dinner was full of conversation. I could think about the fight I got in with her, leaving the house only to walk ten minutes away. I could think about being tricked by a text leaving class so I could break down. I could think about myself. But it all leads back to you.

You're the biggest part of me.
This is for you, because all I think about is you.


  1. So awesome. wow. I loved this whole thing. Especially the thinking about rose pedals part...
    thank you.
