Monday, May 13, 2013

How To Wake Up

It's a day to day routine and although you forgot to eat breakfast this morning, you're just running through the motions.
Taking a new route to school is not the same as skipping it to go remember who you are.
And yes, education is important, but so is discovering your dreams.
You sigh at break of dawn because over the past year, you can't recall anything different.
The clock still ticks it's taunting seconds and there is still dust gathering on the mantle.
And all this time you don't feel the butterflies breaking free from the cocoons at your ribs.
Begging you to do something more.
So wake up.
Stop looking for the right brand of 2% milk so you can serve cereal at 6:47 (since you're always  running late.)
And listen to the whispers in the cracks of your heart, before it breaks.

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